Making a trip to Grand Teton National park was on my “To Do” list for a long time. The park is such a beautiful place with awe inspiring mountain peaks, amazing wild life, powerful thunderstorms, the wondrous Snake River and so much more that even after being there it’s still on my list, I have

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Making a trip to Grand Teton National park was on my "To Do" list for a long time. The park is such a beautiful place with awe inspiring mountain peaks, amazing wild life, powerful thunderstorms, the wondrous Snake River and so much more that even after being there it's still on my list, I have to go back. Shawbacker's Landing isn't exactly a hidden location as it's one of the more photographed places in the park but on this particular morning I had the place all to myself, just me, my brother-in-law and two other couples that were just there to watch the sunrise...Lucky Me! I walked up and down the beaver pond a couple of times before settling on this spot and began the wait for the sun to rise and for the light to hit the Tetons. The wind was very calm so the reflection in the lake was perfect and a pair of small clouds slowing moved through the frame, catching some of the sunrise's color. I think the clouds are very Bob Ross like, "Maybe the trees have a little cloud friend coming by for a visit". As a side note there is a small meadow leading from the parking area to the forested area that Shawbacker's landing resides in. It was very early and still somewhat dark as my brother-in-law and I were walking along the trail chatting about something not really paying too much attention when we looked up to see a Bison having breakfast only a few feet away from us. He raised his head, looked at us and exhaled an intimating frozen breath. What a moment.

This has been the first camp ever that my son didn’t complain about going in the morning, but he did tell me about the friends he made and the things he did. We love this camp!

Mrs. P

We are really happy with Camp Live Oak and our daughter Georgia can’t wait for Winter Session!

Mrs. L

Loved the fact that the camp worked with me and kept my son very active every day. He definitely wasn’t bored.

Mrs. Y